Reg. Promotion of export of Rice - The following product shall be added in Schedule in APEDA Act after :
"15. Rice"

APEDA Act 1985 (No.2 of 1986) S.O.No.183(E) - (Amendment - 1)
47.74 KB Read Now

APEDA Act 1985 (No.2 of 1986) S.O.739(E) - (Amendment - 2)
90.81 KB

APEDA Act 1985 S.O.748(E) - (Amendment - 3)
94.38 KB
Promotion of Cereal and Cereal Products - Add Cereals to the Schedule to the APEDA Act, 1985 at The following product shall be substituted, namely :
"9. Cereals and Cereal Products"
and"15" and entry relating thereto shall be omited.

APEDA Act 1985 No.23 -{(Amendment - 4) - (No.20 of 2009)}
164.34 KB
The following schedule shall be inserted, namely :
"Basmati Rice"

APEDA Act 1985 S.O. 771 (E) (Amendment - 5)
50.29 KB
Amended the First Schedule of the Act after Sr no. 15 as under:
" 16. Green pepper in brine"

APEDA Act 1985 S.O. 2100 (E) (Amendment - 6)
1.25 MB
Amended the First Schedule of the Act after Sr no. 14 as under:
" 15. De –oiled rice bran"

APEDA Act 1985 S.O. 3515 (E) (Amendment - 7)
196.36 KB
Amended the First Schedule of the Act after Sr no. 16 as under:
" 17. Cashew Nuts and its Products"

APEDA Rules 1986 S.O.No.806(E) - (Amendment - 1)
68.36 KB
Reg. Registration Fee @ Rs.5000/-

APEDA Rules 1986 S.O.238(E) - (Amendment - 2)
59.84 KB
Reg. Registration /Fee of Rs.1000/- for J&K and North Eastern States

Amendments to the APEDA Rules 2004 - published in 2005 may be called APEDA Rules 2007 S.O.No.961 (E)(Amendments - 3)
63 KB Read Now

Amendments to the APEDA Rules 1986 S.O. 2835(E)(Amendments - 4)
53.38 KB
- Functions of the Authority
- Registration and Protection of Geographical Indications

APEDA Act 1985 S.O. 771 (E) (Amendment - 5)
50.29 KB
Amended the First Schedule of the Act after Sr no. 15 as under:
“ 16. Green pepper in brine”

APEDA Act 1985 S.O. 2100 (E) (Amendment - 6)
1.25 MB
Amended the First Schedule of the Act after Sr no. 14 as under:
“ 15. De –oiled rice bran”

APEDA Regulations 1986(F.No.11/5/86-EP (Agri-IV) - (Amendment - 1)
139.5 KB
* Procedure for the meeting of the Authority
* Quorum - Eight Members
* Appointment of Committees
- Executive Committee
- Products Committee
* Methods of Recruitment, conditions of service et.c of employees of the Authority
* Finance, Budget and Accounts of the Authority
* Delegation of Powers

Amendment the APEDA Regulations 1999 -F.No.APEDA/SEC/GEN/30 - (Amendment - 2)
65.46 KB
- Contract services remuneration from Rs.1800/- to Rs.6000/-

Amendment the APEDA Regulations 1999 -F.No.APEDA/SEC/GEN/30 (Amendment - 3)
62.19 KB
* Amendment in regulations may be called APEDA Regulations, 2004
* Quorum of members from at least Eight to Ten members

Amendment the APEDA Regulations 1999 - (Amendment - 4)
1.67 MB Read Now

APEDA Export Cess Act 1985 (3 of 1986) S.O.No.914 (E)
47.57 KB
Reg. APEDA Cess Act came into force

APEDA Export Cess Act 1985 (3 of 1986) - S.O.No.915 (E) - (Amendment - 1)
48.15 KB
Reg. Specified 0.5% ad valoram as the rate of duty of custom.

Amendment - APEDA Export Cess Act 1985 (3 of 1986) -S.O.No.51(E) - (Amendment - 2)
48.42 KB
Reg. Specified 0% ad valoram as the rate of duty of custom on export of all scheduled products.

The Cess Laws (Repealing and Amending) Act 2006 (No.24 of 2006). No.26
80.33 KB Read Now