Geographical Indication | Tripura Queen Pineapple |
Registered Proprietor | North Eastern Regional Agricultural Marketing Corporation Ltd (NERAMAC) |
Address | No. 9 Rajbari Path, Ganeshguri, G S Road, Guwahati - 781 005, Assam, India |
Application Number | 436 |
Date of Filing | 29/08/2013 |
Class of Goods | 31 |
Geographical Area | Tripura |
Certificate Number | 227 |
Certificate Date | 25/03/2015 |
Registered Valid Upto | 28/08/2023 |

Geographical Indication | Tripura Matabari Peda (Sweet) |
Registered Proprietor | Matabari Mahila Cluster Level Bahumukhi Samabaya Samity Limited |
Address | P.O. Dakshin, Chandrapur, Udaipur, Gomati, Tripura, India, 0 |
Application Number | 1072 |
Date of Filing | 31/03/2023 |
Class of Goods | 29 |
Geographical Area | Tripura |
Certificate Number | 631 |
Certificate Date | 30/03/2024 |
Registered Valid Upto | 30/03/2033 |