Geographical IndicationBanaganapalle Mangoes
Registered ProprietorHorticulture Development Agency
AddressRepresented by Commissioner of Horticulture, Government of Andhra Pradesh, Public Gardens, Hyderabad, Telangana-500004, India
Application Number241
Date of Filing07/09/2011
Class of Goods31
Geographical AreaIndia (Telangana & Andhra Pradesh)
Certificate Number295
Certificate Date03/05/2017
Registered Valid Upto06/09/2031


Geographical IndicationHyderabad Haleem
Registered ProprietorHaleem Makers Association
Address20-4-140/128, Plot No.129, Shalibanda, Hyderabad 500 002, Andhra Pradesh, India
Application Number193
Date of Filing18/12/2009
Class of Goods29
Geographical AreaTelangana
Certificate Number132
Certificate Date03/09/2010
Registered Valid Upto17/12/2029


Geographical IndicationTandur Redgram
Registered ProprietorProfessor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University
AddressA statutory Organisation, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, Telangana, India, 500 030 
Application Number706 
Date of Filing24/09/2020 
Class of Goods31
Geographical AreaTelangana
Certificate Number430 
Certificate Date06/12/2022 
Registered Valid Upto