Geographical IndicationDalle Khursani
Registered ProprietorNorth Eastern Regional Agricultural Marketing Corporation Limited (NERAMAC)
Address9, Rajbari path, Ganeshguri, G. S. Road, Guwahati, Assam, India, 781 005
Application Number636
Date of Filing10/12/2018
Class of Goods30
Geographical AreaIndia (Sikkim and West Bengal)
Certificate Number414
Certificate Date14/09/2021
Registered Valid Upto09/12/2028


Geographical IndicationSikkim Large Cardamom
Registered ProprietorNorth Eastern Regional Agricultural Marketing Corporation Ltd (NERAMAC)
AddressNorth Eastern Regional Agricultural Marketing Corporation Ltd (NERAMAC) 9 Rajbari path, Ganeshguri, GS Road, Guwahati - 781 005, Guwahati, Assam, INDIA, 781 005
Application Number376
Date of Filing27/01/2012
Class of Goods30
Geographical AreaIndia (Sikkim and West Bengal)
Certificate Number222
Certificate Date23/03/2015
Registered Valid Upto26/01/2032