Geographical IndicationOdisha Rasagola
Registered Proprietor1.The Odisha Small Industries Corporation Limited (OSIC Ltd.); 2. Utkal MistannaByabasayee Samiti
Address1. (A Government of Odisha Undertaking), Managing Director, Industrial Estate, Madhupatna, Cuttack, Pin - 753 010, Odisha, India;2. Odisha, B-34, Sahid Nagar, Bhubaneswar - 751 009, Odisha, India
Application Number612
Date of Filing23/02/2018
Class of Goods29, 30
Geographical AreaOdisha
Certificate Number345
Certificate Date29/07/2019
Registered Valid Upto22/02/2028


Geographical IndicationGanjam Kewda Flower
Registered ProprietorGanjam Kewda Development Trust
AddressGanjam Kewda Development Trust,
C/o Reddy House, Hillpatna, Behrapur, Ganjam, Odisha – 760005
Application Number229
Date of Filing24/12/2010
Class of Goods31
Geographical AreaOdisha
Certificate Number172
Certificate Date19/03/2012
Registered Valid Upto23/12/2030


Geographical IndicationKandhamal Haladi
Registered ProprietorKandhamal Apex Spices Association for Marketing (KASAM)
AddressNetaji Subash Bose Road, Phulbani – 762 001, Kandhamal, Odisha, India
Application Number610
Date of Filing11/01/2018
Class of Goods30
Geographical AreaOdisha
Certificate Number344
Certificate Date01/04/2019
Registered Valid Upto10/01/2028


Geographical IndicationGanjam Kewda Rooh
Registered ProprietorGanjam Kewda Development Trust (GKDT)
AddressC/o Reddy House, Hillpatna, Berhampur, Ganjam - 760 005, Odisha, India
Application Number228
Date of Filing24/12/2010
Class of Goods3
Geographical AreaOdisha
Certificate Number171
Certificate Date19/03/2012
Registered Valid Upto23/12/2030


Geographical IndicationKendrapara Rasabali
Registered ProprietorKendrapara Rasabali Mistanna Nirmata Sangha
AddressBhagabanpur, District: Kendrapara – 754 211, Odisha, India
Application Number802
Date of Filing13/12/2021
Class of Goods29
Geographical AreaOdisha
Certificate Number508
Certificate Date03/10/2023
Registered Valid Upto12/12/2031


Geographical IndicationNayagarh Kanteimundi Brinjal
Registered ProprietorNeelamadhav Krushi Sanghathan
AddressBanapur, Post: Sidhamula, District: Nayagarh, Odisha, India, 752 078
Application Number739
Date of Filing08/02/2021
Class of Goods31
Geographical AreaOdisha
Certificate Number537
Certificate Date02/01/2024
Registered Valid Upto07/02/2031


Geographical IndicationOdisha Khajuri Guda
Registered ProprietorOdisha Rajya Talgur Samabaya Sangha Ltd (ORTSS)
AddressTalgur Bhawan, Udyogpuri, Khandagiri, District, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India, 751030
Application Number690
Date of Filing12/06/2020
Class of Goods30
Geographical AreaOdisha
Certificate Number531
Certificate Date02/01/2024
Registered Valid Upto 


Geographical IndicationDhenkanal Magji
Registered ProprietorDhenkanal Sweets Association
AddressMeena Bazar, Post/ District: Dhenkanal , Odisha, India, 759 001
Application Number724
Date of Filing07/12/2020
Class of Goods30
Geographical AreaOdisha
Certificate Number535
Certificate Date02/01/2024
Registered Valid Upto06/12/2030


Geographical IndicationSimilipal Kai Chutney of Odisha
Registered ProprietorThe Mayurbhanj Kai Society Limited
AddressDhipasahi (Near Baruni Shiv Temple), W. No. 11, Post: Baripada, District: Mayurbhanj, Odisha, India
Application Number725
Date of Filing07/12/2020
Class of Goods31
Geographical AreaOdisha
Certificate Number536
Certificate Date02/01/2024
Registered Valid Upto06/12/2030


Geographical IndicationKoraput Kalajeera Rice
Registered ProprietorJaivik Sri Farmers Producer Company Limited
AddressPujariput, Near Reeti Printers, District: Koraput, Odisha, India, 764 020
Application Number814
Date of Filing11/01/2022
Class of Goods31
Geographical AreaOdisha
Certificate Number543
Certificate Date02/01/2024
Registered Valid Upto10/01/2032