Geographical IndicationGir Kesar Mango
Registered ProprietorGujarat Agro Industries Corporation Limited
AddressGujarat Agro Industries Corporation Limited,An undertaking of Government of Gujarat, Khet Udhyog Bhavan, opp. Old High Court, Near Railway Crossing, Navrangpura,Ahmedabad – 380014, Gujarat, India
Application Number185
Date of Filing17/08/2009
Class of Goods31
Geographical AreaAhmedabad
Certificate Number152
Certificate Date24/06/2011
Registered Valid Upto16/08/2029


Geographical IndicationBhalia Wheat
Registered ProprietorGujarat Agro Industries Corporation Limited
AddressAn undertaking of Government of Gujarat, Khet Udhyog Bhavan, Opp. Old. High Court, Near Railway Crossing, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad - 380 014, Gujarat, India.
Application Number192
Date of Filing17/12/2009
Class of Goods31
Geographical AreaGujarat
Certificate Number153
Certificate Date24/06/2011
Registered Valid Upto16/12/2029


Geographical IndicationKachchhi Kharek
Registered ProprietorUnidates Farmer Producer Company Limited
AddressMoti Reldi - 81, Village: Reldi Moti, Taluka: Bhuj, District: Kachchh, Gujarat, India, 370030
Application Number761
Date of Filing15/06/2021
Class of Goods31
Geographical AreaGujarat
Certificate Number539
Certificate Date02/01/2024
Registered Valid Upto14/06/2031