Geographical IndicationGoan Khaje
Registered ProprietorThe All Goa Khaje Producers Association (AGKPA)
AddressH. No. 2/424/A, Wadchawada, Bordem, Bicholim – 403 504, Goa, India
Application Number655
Date of Filing24/07/2019
Class of Goods30
Geographical AreaGoa
Certificate Number400
Certificate Date14/09/2021
Registered Valid Upto23/07/2029


Geographical IndicationHarmal Chilli
Registered ProprietorThe Harmal-Pernem Chilli (Mirchi) Growers Association
AddressH. No. 164, Deulwada, Harmal, Pernem – 403 524, Goa, India
Application Number642
Date of Filing14/01/2019
Class of Goods30
Geographical AreaGoa
Certificate Number387
Certificate Date14/09/2021
Registered Valid Upto13/01/2029


Geographical IndicationMyndoli Banana
Registered ProprietorMyndoli Banana Growers Association (MBGA)
AddressH.No. 89, Deulwada, Ibrampur, Pernem – 403 503, Goa, India
Application Number680
Date of Filing13/12/2019
Class of Goods31
Geographical AreaGoa
Certificate Number394
Certificate Date14/09/2021
Registered Valid Upto12/12/2029


Geographical IndicationKhola Chilli
Registered Proprietor1.The Khola/CanaconaChilli Cultivator's Group Association (TKCCGA); 2.Department of Science & Technology (DST), Government of Goa
Address1.H.No. 356(2) Soliem, Khola (Cola) Canacona Goa - 403702, India; 2.1st Floor, Pandit Deendayal Upadhay Bhavan, Behind PundalikDevasthan, Near Sanjay, School, Porvorim, Bardez, Goa, India, 403521
Application Number618
Date of Filing06/08/2018
Class of Goods30
Geographical AreaGoa
Certificate Number356
Certificate Date28/08/2019
Registered Valid Upto05/08/2028


Geographical IndicationGoa Mankur Mango (Malcorado or Mankurad)
Registered ProprietorDepartment of Science & Technology & Waste Management
AddressGovernment of Goa, 1st Floor, Pandit Deendayal Upadhay Bhavan, Behind Pundalik Devasthan, Near Sanjay School, Porvorim, Bardez, Goa, India, 403 521
Application Number728
Date of Filing14/12/2020
Class of Goods31
Geographical AreaGoa
Certificate Number497
Certificate Date08/01/2023
Registered Valid Upto13/12/2030


Geographical IndicationAgsechi Vayingim (Agassaim Brinjal)
Registered ProprietorAgassaim Brinjal Growers and Sellers Association
AddressH.No. 733, Malwara Agassaim, Tiswadi – 403204, Goa, India.
Application Number763
Date of Filing28/06/2021
Class of Goods31
Geographical AreaGoa
Certificate Number492
Certificate Date31/07/2023
Registered Valid Upto27/06/2031


Geographical IndicationSat-Shiro Bheno (Sat-shirancho bhendo)
Registered ProprietorThe Department of Science, Technology & Waste Management (DST & WM), Government of Goa
Address1st Floor, Pandit Deendayal Upadhay Bhavan, Behing Pundalik Devasthan, Near Sanjay School, Porvorium, Bardez, Goa, India, 403 521
Application Number790
Date of Filing11/08/2021
Class of Goods31
Geographical AreaGoa
Certificate Number494
Certificate Date31/07/2023
Registered Valid Upto11/07/2031


Geographical IndicationGoan Bebinca
Registered ProprietorDepartment of Science & Technology & Waste Management, Government of Goa
Address1st Floor, Pandit Deendayal Upadhay Bhavan, Behind Pundalik Devasthan, Near Sanjay School, Porvorim, Bardez-Goa, India, 403 521
Application Number746
Date of Filing04/05/2021
Class of Goods30
Geographical AreaGoa
Certificate Number498
Certificate Date08/01/2023
Registered Valid Upto04/04/2031


Geographical IndicationFeni
Registered ProprietorThe Goa Cashew Feni Distillers & Bottlers Association
Address(i) The Goa Cashew Feni Distillers & Bottlers Association, D3/26, Tivim Industrial Estate, Karaswado Mapusa, Goa - 403 507. (ii) Department of Science, Technology & Environment, Govt. of Goa, opposite Saligao Seminary, Saligao, Bardez, Goa - 403 511.
Application Number120
Date of Filing19/12/2007
Class of Goods33
Geographical AreaGoa
Certificate Number105
Certificate Date03/05/2009
Registered Valid Upto18/12/2027


Geographical IndicationGoa Cashew (Kaju Or Caju)
Registered Proprietor1. Goa Cashew Manufactures Association (GCMA) and 2. The Department of Science, Technology & Waste Management (DST & WM), Government of Goa
Address1. C/o Zantye Cashew, Below Samrat Theatre, 18th June, Road, Panaji – Goa, 403 001 and 2. 1st Floor, Pandit Deendayal Upadhay Bhavan, Behind Pundalik Devasthan, Near Sanjay School, Porvorim, Bardez Goa 403521
Application Number714
Date of Filing26/10/2020
Class of Goods31
Geographical AreaGoa
Certificate Number506
Certificate Date03/10/2023
Registered Valid Upto25/10/2030