Geographical IndicationJeeraphool
Registered ProprietorJaivik Krishi UtpadakSahkari Samiti Maryadit
AddressVillage: Bansajhal, Block: Batauli, Ambikapur, Chhattisgarh, India, 492012
Application Number611
Date of Filing15/02/2018
Class of Goods30
Geographical AreaChhattisgarh
Certificate Number343
Certificate Date14/03/2019
Registered Valid Upto14/02/2028


Geographical IndicationNagri Dubraj
Registered ProprietorMaa Durga Swayam Sahayata Samooh
AddressVillage: Bagrumnala, Post: Keregaon, Block - Nagri, District: Dhamtari, Chhattisgarh, India.
Application Number669
Date of Filing10/11/2019
Class of Goods30
Geographical AreaChhattisgarh
Certificate Number435
Certificate Date01/31/2023
Registered Valid Upto10/10/2029