Geographical IndicationArunachal Orange
Registered ProprietorNorth Eastern Regional Agricultural Marketing Corporation Ltd (NERAMAC)
AddressNorth Eastern Regional Agricultural Marketing Corporation Ltd (NERAMAC)9 Rajbari path, Ganeshguri, GS Road, Guwahati – 781005, India
Application Number375
Date of Filing27/01/2012
Class of Goods31
Geographical AreaArunachal Pradesh
Certificate Number221
Certificate Date23/03/2015
Registered Valid Upto26/01/2022


Geographical IndicationArunachal Pradesh Khaw Tai” (Khamti Rice)
Registered ProprietorNamsai Organic Spices and Agricultural Producer Company Limited
AddressJaipur, District: Namsai, Lohit - 792103, Arunachal Pradesh, India.
Application Number803
Date of Filing13/12/2021
Class of Goods31
Geographical AreaArunachal Pradesh
Certificate Number509
Certificate Date03/10/2023
Registered Valid Upto12/12/2031


Geographical IndicationArunachal Pradesh Yak Churpi
Registered ProprietorICAR - National Research Centre on Yak (ICAR-NRC)
AddressDirang-, District: West Kameng - 790101, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Application Number809
Date of Filing28/12/2021
Class of Goods29
Geographical AreaArunachal Pradesh
Certificate Number511
Certificate Date03/10/2023
Registered Valid Upto27/12/2031


Geographical IndicationArunachal Pradesh Adi Kekir (Ginger)
Registered ProprietorLower Dibang Valley Organic Ginger Producer Company Limited
AddressKehra - H Aati, P/o Roing,, Disrict: Lower Dibang Valley, Arunachal Pradesh, India, 792110
Application Number855
Date of Filing15/03/2022
Class of Goods31
Geographical AreaArunachal Pradesh
Certificate Number546
Certificate Date02/01/2024
Registered Valid Upto14/03/2032


Geographical IndicationArunachal Pradesh Khelap / Phalap/ Felap Tea (Bamboo Processed Tea)
Registered ProprietorSeva Samithy
AddressKhonsa, Post: Khonsa, Tirap, Arunachal Pradesh, India, 792130
Application Number935
Date of Filing02/08/2022
Class of Goods30
Geographical AreaArunachal Pradesh
Certificate Number554
Certificate Date 
Registered Valid Upto01/08/2032


Geographical IndicationArunachal Pradesh Adi Apong (Beverage)
Registered ProprietorAdi Bane Ane Kebang
AddressPasighat, PO & PS Pasighat, East Siang, Arunachal Pradesh, India, 791 102
Application Number1004
Date of Filing26/10/2022
Class of Goods32
Geographical AreaArunachal Pradesh
Certificate Number556
Certificate Date 
Registered Valid Upto25/10/2032


Geographical IndicationArunachal Pradesh Angnyat/ Adlay/ Tanyak Millet
Registered ProprietorAdi Bane Kebang
AddressEngo – Takar Dere building DPWS Gangging, Pasighat, East Siang, Arunachal Pradesh , India, 791 102
Application Number1068
Date of Filing31/03/2023
Class of Goods31
Geographical AreaArunachal Pradesh
Certificate Number558
Certificate Date 
Registered Valid Upto30/03/2033


Geographical IndicationArunachal Pradesh Marua Apo (Marua Millet Beverage)
Registered ProprietorAll Pei Welfare Association
AddressGodak, PO & PS: Raga, Kamle, Arunachal Pradesh , India, 791 120
Application Number1069
Date of Filing31/03/2023
Class of Goods32
Geographical AreaArunachal Pradesh
Certificate Number559
Certificate Date 
Registered Valid Upto30/03/2033