National Programme for Organic Production (NPOP)

Organic Certification Data under NPOP 2023-24


Cultivated Area (Organic) 17,11,107.27 Ha

Cultivated Area (In conversion)

27,64,729.64 Ha

Wild Harvest Collection Area

28,50,156.48 Ha


Farm Production (Organic) 32,28,233.03 MT

Farm Production (In conversion)

3,22,248.24 MT

Wild Harvest Production

23,740.60 MT

*The data on production is the commercial output for sale and not the actual production.


Total Export Quantity 2,61,029 MT

Total Export value (INR)

4007.91 Crore

Total Export Value (US$)

494.80 million USD


Individual farm producers 5340

Grower Groups

(Total farmers in grower groups:2358267)

Processor 1489
Trader 627

Wild Operators

 (Total wild collectors:36009)

Total Operators 13638

Source: Information provided by the certification bodies accredited under NPOP on Tracenet


State Wise Cultivated Area under Organic Certification during 2023-24

S. NO. State Name Organic Area (In Ha) Conversion Area(In Ha) Total Area (In Ha)
1 Madhya Pradesh 6,12,816.04 5,35,420.03 11,48,236.07
2 Maharashtra 2,67,229.29 7,33,851.03 10,01,080.32
3 Rajasthan 2,15,299.44 3,64,792.79 5,80,092.22
4 Gujarat 92,333.51 5,88,486.48 6,80,819.99
5 Odisha 77,696.34 1,03,325.94 1,81,022.28
6 Sikkim 75,472.85 256.93 75,729.78
7 Uttar Pradesh 52,888.78 13,502.55 66,391.34
8 Uttarakhand 51,628.19 50,192.21 1,01,820.39
9 Kerala 36,208.78 8,055.13 44,263.91
10 Karnataka 30,612.23 40,473.76 71,085.99
11 Andhra Pradesh 25,876.73 37,801.96 63,678.69
12 Jammu & Kashmir 24,963.10 9,783.64 34,746.75
13 Meghalaya 20,111.78 9,591.53 29,703.30
14 Bihar 19,086.93 9,975.19 29,062.13
15 Tamil Nadu 18,099.17 24,659.11 42,758.27
16 Assam 15,433.92 11,645.48 27,079.40
17 Chhattisgarh 11,289.44 3,854.69 15,144.13
18 Goa 11,180.12 1,107.28 12,287.40
19 Himachal Pradesh 8,181.83 1,152.46 9,334.28
20 Manipur 7,172.00 25,412.50 32,584.50
21 West Bengal 7,011.49 1,106.32 8,117.80
22 Tripura 5,884.31 14,597.06 20,481.36
23 Arunachal Pradesh 5,841.22 10,696.31 16,537.53
24 Telangana 5,399.72 79,465.44 84,865.16
25 Jharkhand 3,523.82 50,884.38 54,408.20
26 Nagaland 3,340.15 12,881.41 16,221.56
27 Mizoram 3,230.30 11,008.00 14,238.30
28 Haryana 2,260.07 665.27 2,925.33
29 Punjab 1,009.40 10,080.01 11,089.41
30 Pondicherry 21.17 0.34 21.51
31 New Delhi 5.17 4.44 9.60
Total:   17,11,107.27 27,64,729.64 44,75,836.90

Source: Information provided by the certification bodies accredited under NPOP on Tracenet

State wise organic Area under Wild collection for the year 2023-24

S. NO. State Name Organic Area (In Ha)
1 Chhattisgarh 9,56,893.80
2 Madhya Pradesh 9,07,233.51
3 Rajasthan 3,98,589.78
4 Himachal Pradesh 2,02,215.76
5 Maharashtra 1,70,107.15
6 Uttar Pradesh 72,611.50
7 Punjab 63,879.73
8 Kerala 20,116.20
9 West Bengal 15,000.00
10 Jammu & Kashmir 13,599.00
11 Tamil Nadu 9,876.11
12 Goa 9,673.57
13 LADAKH 5,000.00
14 Assam 2,500.00
15 Karnataka 1,667.20
16 Odisha 935.00
17 Jharkhand 195.90
18 Andhra Pradesh 38.00
19 Uttarakhand 24.26
Total:   28,50,156.48

Source: Information provided by the certification bodies accredited under NPOP on Tracenet


State wise Organic Farm Production for the year 2023-24

S. NO. State Name Organic Production (In MT) Conversion Production(In MT) Total Production (In MT)
1 Maharashtra 10,44,382.88 1,16,847.77 11,61,230.65
2 Madhya Pradesh 8,49,782.72 50,303.77 9,00,086.49
3 Rajasthan 3,31,358.02 69,568.96 4,00,926.98
4 Karnataka 1,97,328.09 0.00 1,97,328.09
5 Gujarat 1,76,551.25 63,639.41 2,40,190.66
6 Uttar Pradesh 1,59,149.53 0.32 1,59,149.85
7 Odisha 1,37,635.67 21,885.72 1,59,521.40
8 Uttarakhand 44,745.43 0.00 44,745.43
9 Kerala 41,128.53 0.00 41,128.53
10 Bihar 39,937.73 0.00 39,937.73
11 Jammu & Kashmir 33,188.37 0.00 33,188.37
12 Andhra Pradesh 33,039.30 0.00 33,039.30
13 Tamil Nadu 29,994.00 0.60 29,994.60
14 Chhattisgarh 28,896.29 0.00 28,896.29
15 West Bengal 15,910.74 0.00 15,910.74
16 Meghalaya 13,671.39 0.00 13,671.39
17 Assam 12,522.43 0.00 12,522.43
18 Himachal Pradesh 11,767.84 0.00 11,767.84
19 Telangana 7,125.68 0.00 7,125.68
20 Punjab 6,801.79 0.00 6,801.79
21 Nagaland 3,888.31 0.00 3,888.31
22 Jharkhand 3,619.53 0.00 3,619.53
23 Haryana 3,015.53 0.00 3,015.53
24 Goa 2,496.72 1.68 2,498.40
25 Tripura 245.44 0.00 245.44
26 Arunachal Pradesh 25.15 0.00 25.15
27 Sikkim 24.68 0.00 24.68
Total:   32,28,233.03 3,22,248.24 35,50,481.27

Source: Information provided by the certification bodies accredited under NPOP on Tracenet

Note: The data on production is the commercial output for sale and not the actual production.


State wise organic Production from Wild area 2023-24

S.NO. State Name Organic Production (In MT)
1 Rajasthan 10,655.12
2 Goa 6,913.02
3 Madhya Pradesh 2,642.33
4 Jammu & Kashmir 888.85
5 Uttar Pradesh 702.36
6 Chhattisgarh 665.19
7 LADAKH 491.34
8 Odisha 297.07
9 Punjab 281.33
10 Karnataka 173.65
11 Maharashtra 24.57
12 Andhra Pradesh 3.96
13 Tamil Nadu 1.30
14 Jharkhand 0.50
Total:   23,740.60

Source: Information provided by the certification bodies accredited under NPOP on Tracenet

Note: The data on production is the commercial output for sale and not the actual production


Country Wise Export of Organic Products during 2023-24

S.NO. Country Name Exported Qty (In MT) Total Value (In Crore) Total Value (In USD Million)
1 U.S.A. 1,02,462.72 1,953.97 241.23
2 European Union 75,097.56 1,312.39 162.02
3 CANADA 14,251.38 162.81 20.10
4 GREAT BRITAIN 13,717.87 161.28 19.91
5 SRI LANKA 12,348.12 66.12 8.16
6 SWITZERLAND 3,225.71 63.77 7.87
7 VIETNAM 11,074.75 52.68 6.50
8 AUSTRALIA 1,016.33 45.33 5.60
9 THAILAND 9,390.10 38.89 4.80
10 NEWZEALAND 1,931.04 19.52 2.41
11 JAPAN 264.75 18.51 2.29
12 KOREA REPUBLIC 2,125.58 16.83 2.08
13 U.A.E. 1,621.94 15.86 1.96
14 ISRAEL 2,495.53 15.12 1.87
15 CAMEROON 3,120.00 11.99 1.48
16 MADAGASCAR 1,820.00 6.98 0.86
17 SINGAPORE 489.41 5.00 0.62
18 MOROCCO 93.21 4.51 0.56
19 OMAN 1,026.00 4.07 0.50
20 SAUDI ARABIA 137.06 2.87 0.35
21 QATAR 324.27 2.71 0.34
22 MEXICO 551.90 2.70 0.33
23 CHINA 208.23 2.21 0.27
24 MALAYSIA 88.69 2.19 0.27
25 KUWAIT 100.36 2.17 0.27
26 BAHRAIN 373.86 2.08 0.26
27 CHILE 47.69 1.93 0.24
28 TAIWAN 15.00 1.49 0.18
29 DJIBOUTI 270.00 1.25 0.15
30 SUDAN 270.00 1.21 0.15
31 TANZANIA 260.00 0.99 0.12
32 PORTUGUESE TIMOR 260.00 1.00 0.12
33 URUGUAY 0.95 0.97 0.12
34 FRENCH POLYNESIA 70.00 0.95 0.12
35 COMOROS 144.00 0.81 0.10
36 ECUADOR 100.00 0.73 0.09
37 SOMALIA 135.00 0.61 0.08
38 BRAZIL 29.70 0.51 0.06
39 TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO 0.93 0.44 0.05
40 MAURITIUS 17.13 0.41 0.05
42 BOLIVIA 20.00 0.31 0.04
43 KENYA 0.52 0.28 0.04
44 HONG KONG 9.24 0.25 0.03
45 TUNISIA 9.04 0.24 0.03
46 SOUTH AFRICA 0.37 0.12 0.02
47 MOLDOVA 0.29 0.12 0.02
48 FRENCH GUIANA 0.20 0.06 0.01
49 NIGERIA 0.03 0.06 0.01
50 JORDAN 0.05 0.05 0.01
51 INDONESIA 1.40 0.05 0.01
52 GEORGIA 4.30 0.04 0.01
53 TURKEY 3.00 0.04 0.01
54 PHILIPPINES 0.44 0.03 0.00
55 TOGO 0.20 0.01 0.00
56 PERU 0.03 0.00 0.00
57 HONDURAS 0.01 0.00 0.00
58 WEST INDIES 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total:   2,61,029.00 4,007.91 494.80
Source: Information  provided by the certification bodies accredited under NPOP on Tracenet


