National Programme for Organic Production (NPOP)

Organic Certification Data under NPOP 2022-23


Cultivated Area (Organic) 1764677.15 Ha
Cultivated Area (In conversion) 3627115.82 Ha
Wild Harvest Collection Area 4780130.56 Ha


Farm Production(Organic) 2664679.54 MT
Farm Production(In conversion) 288146.75 MT
Wild Harvest Production 19468.21 MT


Total Export Quantity 312800.51 MT
Total Export value (INR) Rs.5525.18 Crore
Total Export Value (US$) 708.33 Million USD


Individual farm producer 5615
Grower Groups 6476
(Total farmers in grower groups:2364979)
Processor 1662
Trader 678
Wild Operators 92
 (Total collectors:152992)
Total Operators 14523

Source: Information provided by the certification bodies accredited under NPOP on Tracenet

* The data on production is the commercial output for sale and not the actual production.


State-wise Area under Organic certification NPOP 2022-23
S.NO. State Name

Cultivated Area

Total Area (In Ha)
Organic Area (In Ha) Conversion Area(In Ha)
1 Madhya Pradesh 686208.31 831168.8 15,17,377.11
2 Maharashtra 258638.55 1025675.6 12,84,314.15
3 Gujarat 84404.36 851526.64 9,35,931.00
4 Rajasthan 216440.36 364239.43 5,80,679.79
5 Odisha 77950.82 117128.66 1,95,079.48
6 Uttarakhand 32634.01 65,759.72 98,393.73
7 Telangana 7288.85 77,185.37 84,474.22
8 Karnataka 44342.45 37,673.11 82,015.56
9 Sikkim 75453.18 22.096 75,475.28
10 Uttar Pradesh 52422.44 15,584.61 68,007.05
11 Andhra Pradesh 26949.05 35,966.97 62,916.02
12 Tamil Nadu 18652.5 39,914.20 58,566.70
13 Jharkhand 1499.76 52,620.11 54,119.87
14 Kerala 32602.71 11,511.74 44,114.45
15 Bihar 17594.82 15,152.76 32,747.58
16 Jammu & Kashmir 25093.94 7,510.56 32,604.50
17 Meghalaya 21652.71 2,356.33 24,009.04
18 Assam 15593.93 7,473.49 23,067.42
19 Mizoram 4796.84 15,264.10 20,060.94
20 Tripura 2490.13 17,124.31 19,614.44
21 Chhattisgarh 13258.18 3,641.68 16,899.86
22 Arunachal Pradesh 3109 9,773.68 12,882.68
23 Nagaland 7550.61 5,002.56 12,553.17
24 Goa 11203.22 1,193.19 12,396.41
25 Himachal Pradesh 8507.25 2,557.85 11,065.10
26 Manipur 7682 3,003.50 10,685.50
27 Punjab 890.12 9,002.53 9,892.65
28 West Bengal 7479.66 1,314.58 8,794.24
29 Haryana 2265.54 629.22 2,894.76
30 LADAKH 0 121.42 121.42
31 Pondicherry 21.17 0.34 21.51
32 New Delhi 0.72 16.67 17.39
33 Andaman & Nicobar Islands 0 0 0.00
1764677.15 3627115.82 53,91,792.97

Source: Information provided by the certification bodies accredited under   NPOP on Tracenet

State wise organic Area under Wild collection for the year 2022-23

S.NO. State Name Organic Area (In Ha)
1 Chhattisgarh 3,235,754.28
2 Madhya Pradesh 804,864.98
3 Rajasthan 356,895.48
4 Himachal Pradesh 202,215.76
5 Punjab 63,879.73
6 Uttar Pradesh 30,018.80
7 Kerala 19,718.20
8 West Bengal 14,700.00
9 Jammu & Kashmir 14,399.00
10 Tamil Nadu 9,816.11
11 Goa 8,006.78
12 Uttarakhand 6,321.41
13 LADAKH 5,000.00
14 Odisha 3,612.07
15 Karnataka 2,815.81
16 Andhra Pradesh 1,754.00
17 Andaman & Nicobar Islands 155.00
18 Maharashtra 107.15
19 Jharkhand 96.00
Total:   4780130.56

(Source: The information provided by the certification bodies accredited under NPOP on Tracenet)

State wise Organic Farm Production for the year 2022-23

S.NO. State Name Organic Production (In MT) Conversion Production(In MT) Total Production (MT)
1 Madhya Pradesh 738,201.84 87,424.57 825,626.41
2 Maharashtra 724,946.90 65,380.40 790,327.30
3 Rajasthan 311,170.77 11,802.18 322,972.95
4 Karnataka 237,090.18 1.25 237,091.43
5 Uttar Pradesh 215,506.50 2,013.01 217,519.51
6 Gujarat 89,978.28 49,750.40 139,728.68
7 Odisha 64,976.16 65,100.84 130,077.00
8 Jammu & Kashmir 50,230.38 0.00 50,230.38
9 Uttarakhand 43,954.51 0.00 43,954.51
10 Kerala 42,729.09 5.16 42,734.25
11 Tamil Nadu 24,964.04 109 25,073.04
12 Andhra Pradesh 24,190.25 0.00 24,190.25
13 Bihar 19,853.89 0.00 19,853.89
14 Chhattisgarh 17,703.47 0.00 17,703.47
15 West Bengal 15,409.18 0.00 15,409.18
16 Assam 14,497.86 0.00 14,497.86
17 Meghalaya 9,919.69 0.00 9,919.69
18 Himachal Pradesh 6,978.06 0.00 6,978.06
19 Punjab 482.98 5,940.72 6,423.70
20 Jharkhand 4,363.09 0.00 4,363.09
21 Haryana 2,679.58 0.00 2,679.58
22 Goa 2,488.52 70.14 2,558.66
23 Telangana 837.64 433.05 1,270.69
24 Arunachal Pradesh 793.00 0.00 793.00
25 Tripura 332.78 216.04 548.81
26 Mizoram 334.00 0.00 334.00
27 Sikkim 51.90 0.00 51.90
28 Manipur 11.00 0.00 11.00
29 Pondicherry 4.00 0.00 4.00
2664679.54 288246.75 2952926.29

(Source: The information provided by the certification bodies accredited under NPOP on Tracenet)

Note: The data on production is the commercial output for sale and not the actual production.

State wise organic Production from Wild area 2022-23

S.NO. State Name Organic Production (In MT)
1 Goa 4,820.01
2 Andaman & Nicobar Islands 3,624.00
3 Rajasthan 2,767.19
4 Madhya Pradesh 2,336.21
5 Jammu & Kashmir 1,574.62
6 Punjab 1,309.48
7 Chhattisgarh 1,029.77
8 LADAKH 710.5
9 Karnataka 416.233
10 Odisha 316.92
11 Andhra Pradesh 214.109
12 Uttar Pradesh 154.859
13 Uttarakhand 106.024
14 Tamil Nadu 67.091
15 Maharashtra 21.2


(Source: The information provided by the certification bodies accredited under NPOP on Tracenet)


Category Wise Production during 2022-23

S.NO. Category Organic Production (In MT) Conversion Production(In MT)
1 Cereals & Millets 336085.54 2320.49
2 Coffee 34327.89 0.00
3 Dry Fruits 7660.35 70.14
4 Fibre 807866.69 279164.04
5 Flowers 4548.87 0.00
6 FODDER 16470.72 13.05
7 Fresh Fruits & Vegetables 66110.18 249.24
8 Medicinal Plant Products 75573.20 185.89
9 Oil Seeds 402286.59 6043.05
10 Others 7163.25 5.16
11 Processed Food 6266.56 0.00
12 Pulses 66799.49 19.93
13 Spices & Condiments 63598.92 20.76
14 sugar 729349.73 155.00
15 Tea 39208.22 0.00
16 Tuber Products 1363.36 0.00
Total 2664679.54 288246.75

(Source: The information provided by the certification bodies accredited under NPOP on Tracenet)

Note: The data on production is the commercial output for sale and not the actual production


Country Wise Export during 2022-23
Sl. No. Country Name Exported Qty (In MT) Total Value (In Crore Rs) Value (In USD Million)
1 European Union 117369.847 2726.304 349.5261
2 U.S.A. 126804.570 2040.561 261.6104
3 CANADA 38726.391 332.234 42.5941
4 GREAT BRITAIN 11670.826 146.393 18.7684
5 SWITZERLAND 4630.467 92.621 11.8744
6 AUSTRALIA 1045.793 45.052 5.7760
7 VIETNAM 3649.192 20.723 2.6569
8 ECUADOR 1812.240 18.896 2.4225
9 ISRAEL 1720.733 15.929 2.0421
10 JAPAN 223.434 15.866 2.0341
11 NEWZEALAND 875.813 13.474 1.7275
12 KOREA REPUBLIC 1505.560 13.237 1.6971
13 U.A.E. 390.855 7.181 0.9206
14 SRI LANKA 636.221 7.044 0.9031
15 MOROCCO 79.315 4.672 0.5989
16 SINGAPORE 179.689 4.317 0.5534
17 CHINA 547.200 3.438 0.4408
18 SAUDI ARABIA 184.198 3.233 0.4144
19 THAILAND 177.291 2.790 0.3577
20 MALAYSIA 121.113 1.702 0.2182
21 KUWAIT 72.984 1.288 0.1651
22 QATAR 19.585 1.076 0.1379
23 MAURITIUS 41.811 0.935 0.1198
24 OMAN 89.235 0.712 0.0913
25 TURKEY 18.000 0.707 0.0906
26 BAHRAIN 35.201 0.590 0.0757
27 BRAZIL 32.870 0.574 0.0736
28 KENYA 0.990 0.569 0.0729
29 FRENCH POLYNESIA 34.400 0.446 0.0572
30 SOUTH AFRICA 6.478 0.427 0.0547
31 BOLIVIA 22.000 0.329 0.0422
32 CHILE 4.833 0.311 0.0399
33 TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO 48.581 0.270 0.0346
35 HONG KONG 6.706 0.253 0.0324
36 YOGOSLAVIA (SERBIA-MONTENEGRO) 1.346 0.235 0.0302
37 BANGALADESH 6.000 0.190 0.0244
38 TAIWAN 0.222 0.148 0.0190
39 MOLDOVA 0.282 0.092 0.0118
40 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA 3.000 0.092 0.0118
41 COLOMBIA 0.284 0.080 0.0103
42 NIGERIA 0.045 0.061 0.0079
43 SAINT LUCIA 0.047 0.029 0.0037
44 GEORGIA 2.508 0.026 0.0034
45 RUSSIA 1.760 0.026 0.0034
46 FRENCH GUIANA 0.085 0.024 0.0031
47 INDONESIA 0.500 0.016 0.0021
48 WEST INDIES 0.005 0.002 0.0003
Total 312800.506 5525.178 708.3562

Source: Information  provided by the certification bodies accredited under NPOP on Tracenet


Category Wise Export of Organic Products During 2022-2023

Sr. No.   Category Quantity (In MT)

Value (In Crore)


Cereals & Millets 54728.48 491.14
2 Coffee2804.05 85.71
3 Dry Fruits1181.67 99.94
4 Essential oil137.27 45.95
5 Flowers216.86 19.58
6 FODDER6085.71 58.07
7 Fresh Fruits & Vegetables1444.47 22.86
8 Medicinal Plant Products3596.12 641.72
9 Miscellaneous13.95 0.21
10 Oil Seeds46252.80 459.71
11 Oils & Oleoresins0.69 1.04
12 Others1311.32 53.14
13 Processed Food166739.66 2829.66
14 PULSES2231.46 33.67
15 Spices & Condiments5071.13 249.88
16 sugar15276.48 103.67
17 Tea5289.66 317.66
18 Tuber Products418.75 11.59
  Total312800.51 5525.20

Source: Information  provided by the certification bodies accredited under NPOP on Tracenet
