Circular : GrapeNet 2008-09

A series of discussions were held with the Grape exporters, MRDBS, Laboratories, State Govt., etc, over the issues related to implementation of GrapeNet facility in the last season, we have made certain modifications in the system.  Also, it was discussed in the last meeting about the defaulters who by passed the GrapeNet facility.  Further, Chairman, APEDA had constituted a committee comprising of officials of APEDA and other Govt. agencies. A hearing was granted to such exporters on 13th October, 2008 at Pune. Following recommendations of the committee, following decisions were taken and implemented:
De-registration of the defaulter exporters from APEDA
De-recognition of their Pack House with APEDA
Blocking them in the GrapeNet system.
On the basis of Harmonized EC list Annexure 5 & 9 have been revised and same are enclosed.
Ministry of Agriculture has also issued a circular (copy enclosed) mentioning that the export of horticultural products to European Union must be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate issued by authorized agency by NPPO.
APEDA has also revised the pack house recognition scheme and same has been hosted on the APEDA website. On the basis of number of representations received from exporters, MRDBS and exporter’s association, it has been decided to continue existing pack house scheme for the 2009 season, in so far as export of Grapes is concerned.
APEDA has been providing financial assistance at the rate of 50% of the amount paid subject to a ceiling of Rs. 3500/- per sample in case of Grape exports to the EU market (as per the current testing cost of Rs. 7000.00) under the Scheme for Quality Development, for the last five years. Under the XI plan scheme, the government has decided that the reimbursement of the expenditure will be made by APEDA directly to the registered exporters only and not to the laboratories. It is, therefore, for information of all concerned that, henceforth, the exporters will make 100% payment for sample testing to the laboratories. The exporters will have to file application for financial assistance for such testing of samples as per the prescribed format to APEDA for reimbursement. It is further for information of all exporters that APEDA’s reimbursement will be restricted to pass samples only.
A new feature is also being introduced for implementation of bar code facility upto carton level. This feature has been made optional and it is recommended that exporters make use of this feature.
The registration / renewal of farmers by the State Govt. for the 2009 grape season process for the current Grape season has started and would be open upto 31st December 2008. From current season, the registration / renewal of farmers has been re-structured as follows to enable use of the same code for other products.
The existing / already allocated code would be changed to new code in the database.
NRL, vide their letter no. 2(29)/TC/08-09 dated 20/11/2008 have requested to register the farmers who have been provided the planting material for a new variety “Red Globe” developed by NRCG in the GrapeNet system. The list of exporters for the state of Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka forwarded by NRCG is attached for reference and only these farms will be able to register for this variety during the current season. Necessary incorporation has been made in the GrapeNet system.
All other conditions and procedures remain the same as mentioned in the earlier RMP of Grapes.
I wish all the stakeholders a very good Grape export season.
  (S. Dave)
Director, APEDA
The Circular is issued on : 08th December 2008
Enclosed:  as above