Schemes for Research and Development

Schemes for Research and Development:

        Components Scale of Assistance
Assistance to support Research and development for export efforts through R & D organizations in Government sector . 100%  APEDA’s internal scheme .
Assistance to exports, Trade Associations , Cooperative institutions etc. to support relevant research & development for export enhancement throught R & D organizations in cooperative/ private sector . Upto 50 % of the total cost of the project subject to a celling of Rs. 10 Lakhs.
  1. A definite time frame for completion of the projects for which assistance is given shall be fixed and stipulated. The private sector R&D establishments, assisted under this scheme, will comply with all rules and regulations laid down by government especially in the "General Financial Rules".
  2. Continuation of funding to various research projects shall be subject to submission of evaluation report on the outcome of the R&D efforts to APEDA on quarterly basis.




(The objective of the check list is to facilitate the beneficiary in filling and filing their claim with APEDA. It does not necessarily mean that the beneficiary will be eligible for the financial assistance on compliance of following check points)


(if application is incomplete in any respect, the same shall be returned. Please take due care in filling the complete information)


(In principle approval is precondition for obtaining the financial assistance)

  1. Check whether the application is in PRESCRIBED FORMAT and columns are duly filled in.
  2. Check whether the declaration /certificate at the end of the application is duly SIGNED AND STAMPED.
  3. Check whether the explanation has been given to justify the necessity of research activity and a certificate that no similar research has been conducted earlier either by self or by any one else.
  4. Check whether the cost estimates along with the proforma invoices, giving complete details of activity, equipment to be use and the consultants invited for the program, are enclosed.
  5. Check whether the financial assistance sought is as per the notified scheme.
    (In case the application is complete in all respects as above, the letter for in principle approval of the competent authority, may be issued having validity period of six months. The competent authority reserves the right to reject the application on evaluation of performance of exports. In case the in principle approval expires, the competent authority may grant the extension of validity period on request.)



(on production of valid in principle approval and/extension letter)

  1. Check whether the in principle approval letter or extension letter is enclosed. (In case the approval has expired, the competent authority of APEDA reserves the right to outrightly reject the application)
  2. Check whether a copy of the reports on research activity is enclosed. An abstract of the reports should also be enclosed.
  3. Check whether the self verified copies of bills/receipts are enclosed and check whether the same are in conformity with the proforma invoices submitted for in principle approval.
  4. Check whether the CERTIFICATE from CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT is in the prescribed format with CA MEMBERSHIP NUMBER is enclosed (Annexure-1)
  5. Check whether the cost as indicated in bills/invoices matches with the proposal, the amount approved in principle and the C.A. certificate. In case they do not match check whether necessary justification with evidence has been given . (The competent authority reserves the right to reject the application, where the variation exist in the amount. )
  6. Comparative statement showing the cost of components as per the proposal submitted for in-principle approval and final cost incurred along with the variation if any and justification for the same.