September 20, 2004
  1. All Grape Exporters/Farmers
  2. All Grape Growers’ Federations
  3. Maharashtra Rajya Draksha Bagaitdar Sangh, Pun
  4. Fruit & Vegetable Association, Mumbai
  5. All nominated laboratories
  6. Director, National Research Centre for Grapes, Pune
  7. All concerned Agriculture/Horticulture Officers – AP, Karnataka & Maharashtra
  8. All PSC issuing Authorities – AP, Karnataka & Maharashtra
  9. Commissioner, Horticulture, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh
  10. Secretary, Agriculture, Govt. of Karnataka
  11. Commissioner, Agriculture, Govt. of Maharashtra
  12. Director, Agriculture – Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka & Maharashtra
  13. Agriculture Marketing Adviser, DMI, New Delhi
  14. All regional Agmark offices – AP, Karnataka, Maharashtra
  15. APEDA Regional offices – Bangalore, Hyderabad & Mumbai

Sub: “Regulation of export of fresh grapes to the European Union through control of pesticide residues” for the year 2004 – 05

Dear Sirs,

Vide our letter of even no. dated 17th August, 2004, APEDA had circulated the above mentioned document. We hope you received it.

We have recently been informed by the National Research Centre for Grapes (NRC), Pune that, following discussions with the industry, exporters, laboratories and others concerned, there was a need to amend Annexure-7 of this document. This annexure contains a list of pesticides recommended for the control of various diseases and insect pests based on studies at NRC Grapes and AICRP on Grapes of ICAR. We have carried out the changes recommended by NRC and a revised copy of Annexure-7 is enclosed. We request you to kindly take the revised Annexure-7 into consideration for all purposes of monitoring pesticide residues in grapes.

Yours faithfully

S. Dave     

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